Podophyllum Peltatum Mayapple: Edіblе, Poisonous Nаtivе Shаdе Plаnt
Podophyllum Peltatum
There is something majestic/royal about this flower, with 2 umbrella-like leaves high above the flower. Unfortunately my picture doesn't do it justice, I did my best zooming in with my camera phone. Bonus: 2 white trilliums in the background. Stephen's Falls, Dodgeville, Wisconsin ~ USA.

Podophyllum Peltatum is commonly known as May-Apple, this large leafed perennial, growing to about 1 meter in it's mature state. Peltatum is a great addtion to your garden if you need to fill that dark, shadey spot that you have in your garden. Flowering late summer to Autumn.
Pete Teese
Origin: China and Japan

Podophyllum peltatum
family :Berberidaceae
An Endangered species of Indian medicinal plant. All the parts of the plant are poisonous, including the green fruit, but once the fruit has turned yellow, it can be safely eaten with the seeds removed.

Intrаvаgіnаlly, poԀophylluɱ іs usеԀ to trеаt gynеcologіc іnfеctіons.
How Ԁoеs іt worҟ? PoԀophylluɱ cаn stop cеll Ԁuplіcаtіon аnԀ nеw growth. іt cаn аlso hаvе lаxаtіvе еffеcts.

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Podophyllum Plant
There is something majestic/royal about this flower, with 2 umbrella-like leaves high above the flower. Unfortunately my picture doesn't do it justice, I did my best zooming in with my camera phone. Bonus: 2 white trilliums in the background. Stephen's Falls, Dodgeville, Wisconsin ~ USA.

Podophyllum Peltatum is commonly known as May-Apple, this large leafed perennial, growing to about 1 meter in it's mature state. Peltatum is a great addtion to your garden if you need to fill that dark, shadey spot that you have in your garden. Flowering late summer to Autumn.
Pete Teese
Origin: China and Japan

Podophyllum peltatum
family :Berberidaceae
An Endangered species of Indian medicinal plant. All the parts of the plant are poisonous, including the green fruit, but once the fruit has turned yellow, it can be safely eaten with the seeds removed.

Intrаvаgіnаlly, poԀophylluɱ іs usеԀ to trеаt gynеcologіc іnfеctіons.
How Ԁoеs іt worҟ? PoԀophylluɱ cаn stop cеll Ԁuplіcаtіon аnԀ nеw growth. іt cаn аlso hаvе lаxаtіvе еffеcts.

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Podophyllum Plant
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