Boston Fern, excellent formaldehyde filter

Outdoor air is cleaner and preferable to indoor air. Why? One of the reasons is that trees and plants are constantly cleaning the outside air.

fern boston

Today we live in a world where almost everything is touched by man. According to modern scientific research, indoor environments can be up to ten times more polluting than outdoors. This is known as "sick building syndrome."

The average person spends more than 90% of their time indoors. We are constantly bombarded by indoor air pollution. This includes toxic gases such as formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds, trichloroethylene, carbon monoxide, xylene, benzene, toluene, and many others.

The good news is that all plants are able to absorb and clean air pollutants. Certain tropical species are more efficient than others. It sounds reasonable then go out and buy plants for the house or office... But which ones?.

Choose plants based on chemical compounds.

If you cannot determine what chemical contaminants are present in your habitat, it is advisable to simply install in the different rooms of the house large spectrum decontaminating plants, such as the Boston fern (Nephrolepis exaltata). For specific needs such as humidification of the environment or neutralization of static electricity, the quintessential decontaminating plant is the fern.

The Boston fern as a decontaminating plant.
It occupies the first place among the plants that best filter formaldehyde.

Where is the formaldehyde (CH2O)?

It is found in products such as furniture, wallpaper, cardboard. It is also used in some plastics, paints, varnishes, dishwasher liquids, clothing softeners and cosmetics, such as nail polish. It enters the indoor environment through natural sources such as forest fires and certain human activities, including the combustion of tobacco, gasoline, and wood. As a result, it is present, in its breathable gaseous form, in almost all houses and buildings. Studies have suggested that people who are exposed to low levels of formaldehyde for long periods of time are more likely to experience asthma-related, respiratory symptoms, such as coughing and wheezing. In greater amounts of formaldehyde, it is known to cause nasal cavity cancer.

Care for the Boston fern.

It is one of the best known and attractive ferns. They are usually planted in shaded areas in gardens, terraces, or interiors and their growing season is during the spring and summer months. The Boston fern requires care to keep it green, but its cultivation is not difficult if provided with the right conditions of moisture, light, and nutritious substances.

The Boston fern is native to equatorial and humid tropical areas. This ornamental plant is ideal for indoor use as long as it is placed in humid and bright environments, but indirect. The roots should be constantly kept moist and the plant vaporized frequently if the environment is not very humid. This variety of fern can occasionally survive the cold, but the right temperature for it to grow leafy and beautiful must be between 22 and 30 oC. Boston ferns must be fertilized during the growing season with liquid fertilizer for indoor plants.


– Brown leaves a loss of leaflets?

Environmental dryness or lack of irrigation. Spray frequently especially in summer and keep the compost moist.

– Plant with a little color and no new leaves?

Lack of nutrients. The payor changes the compost.

– In case the Sword Fern or Nephrolepis loses most of its leaves, you can cut to the ground to regrow.

Suggestions for your care.

– It is advisable to change the pot every spring.

– They do not tolerate dry or hot environments.

– They should be kept away from stoves and air currents.

– Do not leave them in direct sunlight in summer.

– They can withstand up to 3oC as long as they are quite dry.

– In summer the ideal temperature is between 18 and 21 C.

– Tolerate quite obscure locations; However, they need high humidity at all times.

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