Jaguar Animal Pictures
jaguar animal pictures - A "black panther" is not its own species—it refers to any big cat with a black coat. The condition is caused by the agouti gene, which regulates the black pigment within the hair shaft. It's most common in leopards and jaguars. (Domestic cat lovers might be interested to know the agouti gene doesn't cause black fur in house cats.)

Are you seeing spots?
That's because this magical creature, commonly known as a black panther, is really a melanistic jaguar. Stunning, right? (photo: David Dudenhofer)

The nightlife at Bocawina.
Photo by Panthera while doing their research on the beautiful Jaguars.

photo by John Novis @johnnovis for @everydayextinction
A rare Melanistic Jaguar (or ‘black’ jaguar) is
seen prowling in a wildlife protected area near Manaus, the capital city of the state of Amazonas in the North Region of Brazil.

Jaguars, the third largest species of the feline family, are on the endangered species list. Jaguars prefer wet, dense habitats such as the Amazon rainforest, which is being deforested at an alarming rate. Its numbers have been decreasing in a drastic fashion in recent years due to habitat loss and fragmentation. Archive picture, shot on film, promoting a Greenpeace Amazon Office established in 1999, Manaus, to protect the Amazon Rainforest.

Black Panther! Melanistic leopards are commonly called Black Panthers, these are also known as black leopard and this term also applies to melanistic Jaguars. Black Panthers are found in the dense tropical rainforest where the sunlight is low. The dark coloration acts as better camouflage in low sunlight conditions of the forest floor. These cats normally hunt on chital, black-naped hare, langurs, mouse deer.
Close examination of the color of the black panthers will show that the typical markings known as rosettes or spots are still present, but are hidden by the excess black pigment, giving an effect similar to that of printed silk. And in this image, the rosettes are clearly visible…
Camera - Canon 1Dx, Canon f4 500mm lens
June 2016, (Kabini)Nagarahole Tiger Reserve, Karnataka State, India

A mainland tour is a great way to spend a rest days during your dive schedule. Our favorite guide hasn't lost one yet when visiting the rescued animals like FieldMaster the Jaguar at the Belize Zoo

Are you seeing spots?
That's because this magical creature, commonly known as a black panther, is really a melanistic jaguar. Stunning, right? (photo: David Dudenhofer)

The nightlife at Bocawina.
Photo by Panthera while doing their research on the beautiful Jaguars.

photo by John Novis @johnnovis for @everydayextinction
A rare Melanistic Jaguar (or ‘black’ jaguar) is
seen prowling in a wildlife protected area near Manaus, the capital city of the state of Amazonas in the North Region of Brazil.

Jaguars, the third largest species of the feline family, are on the endangered species list. Jaguars prefer wet, dense habitats such as the Amazon rainforest, which is being deforested at an alarming rate. Its numbers have been decreasing in a drastic fashion in recent years due to habitat loss and fragmentation. Archive picture, shot on film, promoting a Greenpeace Amazon Office established in 1999, Manaus, to protect the Amazon Rainforest.

Black Panther! Melanistic leopards are commonly called Black Panthers, these are also known as black leopard and this term also applies to melanistic Jaguars. Black Panthers are found in the dense tropical rainforest where the sunlight is low. The dark coloration acts as better camouflage in low sunlight conditions of the forest floor. These cats normally hunt on chital, black-naped hare, langurs, mouse deer.
Close examination of the color of the black panthers will show that the typical markings known as rosettes or spots are still present, but are hidden by the excess black pigment, giving an effect similar to that of printed silk. And in this image, the rosettes are clearly visible…
Camera - Canon 1Dx, Canon f4 500mm lens
June 2016, (Kabini)Nagarahole Tiger Reserve, Karnataka State, India

A mainland tour is a great way to spend a rest days during your dive schedule. Our favorite guide hasn't lost one yet when visiting the rescued animals like FieldMaster the Jaguar at the Belize Zoo
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