Adelie Penguin (Pygoscelis Adeliae) Facts And Information

Distinguishing features

Adelies are the archetypal penguins that are supposed to look like men in their dinner suits. They have a white front and a black back. They also have a white ring around the eye that is most pronounced in the breeding season. Juveniles can be recognized by their white chins. 
Chicks have uniform grey-black plumage.

There are no generally recognized sub-species of the Adelie penguin.

Height & Weight
Adult Adelies are about 70 cm tall. Weights vary through the year. Males weigh from 4.4 to 5.4 kg while females are lighter at 3.9 to 4.8 kg.

Breeding locations
 map of breeding locations
Adelie penguins breed on the exposed rock all around the Antarctic continent. There are reported to be 177 separate sites comprising some 1,030 colonies.
The population has been declining over the last few decades and is falling at an increasing rate as the climate in Antarctica warms.

The total breeding population is estimated to be about 2,000,000  pairs.

Nesting behavior
Adelies build rough nests of stones. Two eggs are laid, these are incubated for 32 to 34 days by the parents taking turns (shifts typically last for 12 days). The chicks remain in the nest for 22 days before joining creches. The chicks molt into their juvenile plumage and go out to sea after 50 to 60 days.

Principal diet
Adelies live almost exclusively on krill - which makes up over 99% of their diet. 

Alternative names
As far as we know there are no alternative names for Adelie penguins

Adelie Penguin at nesting site on the Antarctica peninsula. an unbelievable experience to see them at their breeding grounds. #adeliepenguin #birds #birdwatching #birdsmagazine #bluewrenbirdtours #birdtours #antarctica #penguins #birdphotography

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