Umbrella Cockatoo
Umbrella Cockatoo

DESCRIPTION 15% to 18 inches (40 to 46cm). White body, with black eyes (reddish-brown in female), beak and legs.
NATURAL DISTRIBUTION Northern, south and the central Moluccas.
HABITAT Forest and near farms, in pairs or small groups.

DIET Seeds, fruit.
SPECIAL NEEDS Large aviary.

CAGE LIFE Friendly, quiet, beautiful, gentle, easy to tame. Can be long-lived, not a good talker. Aviary breeding rare but possible. Nest box (or barrel) 19'/2 X 16'/2 X \9V2 inches (50 X 40 X 50cm), entrance diameter 5 inches (12cm). Lays 1 to 3 white eggs, incubation 25 to 27 days by both parents, fledging 11 to 16 weeks, fed by a male for some time after.

DESCRIPTION 15% to 18 inches (40 to 46cm). White body, with black eyes (reddish-brown in female), beak and legs.
NATURAL DISTRIBUTION Northern, south and the central Moluccas.
HABITAT Forest and near farms, in pairs or small groups.

DIET Seeds, fruit.
SPECIAL NEEDS Large aviary.

CAGE LIFE Friendly, quiet, beautiful, gentle, easy to tame. Can be long-lived, not a good talker. Aviary breeding rare but possible. Nest box (or barrel) 19'/2 X 16'/2 X \9V2 inches (50 X 40 X 50cm), entrance diameter 5 inches (12cm). Lays 1 to 3 white eggs, incubation 25 to 27 days by both parents, fledging 11 to 16 weeks, fed by a male for some time after.
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