Home remedies for poison ivy
Home remedies for poison ivy
The best way to avoid getting poison ivy is by avoiding the plant entirely. The oil that comes from the poison ivy plant is absorbed into your skin which causes the irritation that develops into a rash with blisters.

The best part is that once you have the poison ivy rash it will not spread to other people however it is very painful and the irritation can even cause loss of productivity even time off from work. When you have already been exposed to poison ivy there are many drug treatments and natural home remedies that are available.

One of the most common home remedy treatments for poison ivy is Jewelweed. Rub all affected areas with the Jewelweed plant to stop the itching which will reduce inflammation. The juice which comes from the Jewelweed plant can be applied directly to affected areas. The juice helps to dry the blisters allowing the skin to heal. Usually, healing will begin within about three days.

Another home remedy cure is making a wash using Goldenseal. Mix one tablespoon of powdered Goldenseal root with one cup of hot water. After the mixture cools gently dab all affected areas. Goldenseal contains anti-inflammatory properties that will help to dry up the rash and blisters. This mixture can also be used in treating poison oak as well.
A very popular cure for a poison ivy rash is oatmeal. Cook the oatmeal then allow it to cool. Apply the oatmeal paste directly to affected areas. This will sooth the skin and the powder from the paste helps to dry out the rash allowing the skin to heal. In severe cases of poison ivy, where most of the body is infected, take an oatmeal bath to completely cover the skin. Pour an entire box of oatmeal directly into the bathwater then soak for at least 20 minutes. Allow the skin to air dry naturally do not dry off after getting out of the bath.

Another home remedy cure is using rubbing alcohol. As harsh as it may sound using rubbing alcohol has been proven to be very effective in treating poison ivy rashes. Wash all affected areas with rubbing alcohol then wash with warm water and plenty of soap. After rinsing, pour regular table salt directly to the affected areas. This helps to reduce chances of the poison ivy oil from spreading cause further infection. It also helps to reduce the itching which will reduce the inflammation. After washing off the salt apply a thick coat of Aloe Vera gel to the rash to cool and relieve the itching and burning.

For centuries Native Americans have used Witch Hazel for various kinds of skin conditions. Witch Hazel has anti-inflammatory properties that soothe irritating skin conditions. Dab Witch Hazel on all affected areas several times a day using a cotton ball. Witch Hazel is also a great drying agent and will dramatically reduce the itching and heal the painful blisters and rashes that accompany a poison ivy rash.
For more home remedy cures search on the Internet under “poison ivy”.
The best way to avoid getting poison ivy is by avoiding the plant entirely. The oil that comes from the poison ivy plant is absorbed into your skin which causes the irritation that develops into a rash with blisters.

The best part is that once you have the poison ivy rash it will not spread to other people however it is very painful and the irritation can even cause loss of productivity even time off from work. When you have already been exposed to poison ivy there are many drug treatments and natural home remedies that are available.

One of the most common home remedy treatments for poison ivy is Jewelweed. Rub all affected areas with the Jewelweed plant to stop the itching which will reduce inflammation. The juice which comes from the Jewelweed plant can be applied directly to affected areas. The juice helps to dry the blisters allowing the skin to heal. Usually, healing will begin within about three days.

Another home remedy cure is making a wash using Goldenseal. Mix one tablespoon of powdered Goldenseal root with one cup of hot water. After the mixture cools gently dab all affected areas. Goldenseal contains anti-inflammatory properties that will help to dry up the rash and blisters. This mixture can also be used in treating poison oak as well.
A very popular cure for a poison ivy rash is oatmeal. Cook the oatmeal then allow it to cool. Apply the oatmeal paste directly to affected areas. This will sooth the skin and the powder from the paste helps to dry out the rash allowing the skin to heal. In severe cases of poison ivy, where most of the body is infected, take an oatmeal bath to completely cover the skin. Pour an entire box of oatmeal directly into the bathwater then soak for at least 20 minutes. Allow the skin to air dry naturally do not dry off after getting out of the bath.

Another home remedy cure is using rubbing alcohol. As harsh as it may sound using rubbing alcohol has been proven to be very effective in treating poison ivy rashes. Wash all affected areas with rubbing alcohol then wash with warm water and plenty of soap. After rinsing, pour regular table salt directly to the affected areas. This helps to reduce chances of the poison ivy oil from spreading cause further infection. It also helps to reduce the itching which will reduce the inflammation. After washing off the salt apply a thick coat of Aloe Vera gel to the rash to cool and relieve the itching and burning.

For centuries Native Americans have used Witch Hazel for various kinds of skin conditions. Witch Hazel has anti-inflammatory properties that soothe irritating skin conditions. Dab Witch Hazel on all affected areas several times a day using a cotton ball. Witch Hazel is also a great drying agent and will dramatically reduce the itching and heal the painful blisters and rashes that accompany a poison ivy rash.
For more home remedy cures search on the Internet under “poison ivy”.
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