What does Poison Oak look like?

What does Poison Oak look like?

The emergence of a rash caused by contact with poison oak, there are symptoms such as itching (pruritus) of the skin in exposed areas, redness, or swelling of the skin in the exposed area of skin sensitivity in the exposed area, local swelling of the skin, heat in the exposed area (may occur), rash or skin lesion at the site of exposure.

The lesions may have different characteristics such as redness, rash, papules (a pimple), vesicles and bullae (blisters) may involve draining, oozing, raw, or thickened.

The diagnosis is based primarily on the appearance of the skin and a history of exposure to poison oak oil.

To avoid the emergence of these allergic rashes, it is helpful to know the appearance of a poison oak to avoid contact with it. Poison oak is a plant family Anacardiaceae that contain urushiol, an irritant capable of causing rashes on the skin accompanied by itching and swelling.

It is difficult to detect poisonous plants and is often mixed with the surrounding vegetation. In any case, it is three-leaf plants that change their appearance according to each time of year.

Its leaves are accompanied by a grayish-colored fruit are light green in youth, becoming dark green as they approach maturity, to move to a red when they are about to fall, usually, have to have 3 to 12 cm and its edges are slightly jagged.

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