Amaryllis Belladonna Jersey lily Naked Lady
Amaryllis belladonna (Belladonna lily, Jersey lily)
Native to Cape Province in South Africa, and reportedly naturalized in many places across the globe: the Azores, Corsica, Australia, New Zealand, California, and Cuba.
In its natural habitat, it’s found growing in among rocks.
Belladonna is a Latin epithet meaning beautiful lady and this autumn flowering bulb certainly is a real beauty.

The dark, leafless stems are crowned with clusters of delicate pink, trumpet-shaped flowers.
A sunny, well-drained spot is more or less essential. Plant bulbs just below the surface. Keep well watered if autumn is dry.

Amaryllis of those strange flowers I would see during the late summer with no leaves. Lilies on a shtick I call these. Leaves come up early then die off. A stalk then shoots up and burst into pink and white blooms.

Amaryllis Belladonna --- Belladonna Lily (South Africa)

Amaryllis belladonna has the intriguing common name of naked ladies because no leaves are present when it blooms in the autumn. It comes from South Africa and needs dry summers to do well.
Amaryllis belladonna, March Lily (complete with little caterpillar)

It's amazing how one can almost set one's calendar to the day by the arrival of these unpretentious blooms which one observes on the curb along the M3.
Amongst all the pink Maartblom, March Lily, Amaryllis belladonna, a white one which I haven't seen before. — in Botrivier.

Amaryllis belladonna, Maartblom, March Lily
January to April, flowering best after fire in the Western Cape.

Amongst all the pink Maartblom, March Lily, Amaryllis belladonna, a white one which I haven't seen before.
Dr. Tol Pienaar told me years ago that pink flowers do have a higher propensity to ‘albinism’, have found white Satyrium carneum and Christmas berry (Chironia) in the past.

Native to Cape Province in South Africa, and reportedly naturalized in many places across the globe: the Azores, Corsica, Australia, New Zealand, California, and Cuba.
In its natural habitat, it’s found growing in among rocks.
Belladonna is a Latin epithet meaning beautiful lady and this autumn flowering bulb certainly is a real beauty.

The dark, leafless stems are crowned with clusters of delicate pink, trumpet-shaped flowers.
A sunny, well-drained spot is more or less essential. Plant bulbs just below the surface. Keep well watered if autumn is dry.

Amaryllis of those strange flowers I would see during the late summer with no leaves. Lilies on a shtick I call these. Leaves come up early then die off. A stalk then shoots up and burst into pink and white blooms.

Amaryllis Belladonna --- Belladonna Lily (South Africa)

Amaryllis belladonna has the intriguing common name of naked ladies because no leaves are present when it blooms in the autumn. It comes from South Africa and needs dry summers to do well.
Amaryllis belladonna, March Lily (complete with little caterpillar)

It's amazing how one can almost set one's calendar to the day by the arrival of these unpretentious blooms which one observes on the curb along the M3.
Amongst all the pink Maartblom, March Lily, Amaryllis belladonna, a white one which I haven't seen before. — in Botrivier.

Amaryllis belladonna, Maartblom, March Lily
January to April, flowering best after fire in the Western Cape.

Amongst all the pink Maartblom, March Lily, Amaryllis belladonna, a white one which I haven't seen before.
Dr. Tol Pienaar told me years ago that pink flowers do have a higher propensity to ‘albinism’, have found white Satyrium carneum and Christmas berry (Chironia) in the past.

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