Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoo Best Images Photograph
They're back! The Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoos that is, and if you haven't heard them yet, then you'd better book a hearing test! You really can't miss their prehistoric-sounding calls and I know their loud cries really freak out my dogs.

Photographed by Beach, Bush, Birds Warana
They're back in Warana for a feed of Banskia and Cassurina seeds and watching them fly seemingly effortlessly overhead is a marvelous sight.We're just so lucky. Reminder: Our next hands-on get-together will be on Friday 21st October. This will be our second last one for the year so I hope you can pop on down to Beach Access 238 at 8.30am with your hat and closed-in shoes and enjoy a friendly couple of hours helping the natural environment. Freebie morning tea afterward.
A Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoo at Palm Beach
A Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoo feeding on banksia cones

Photographed by Michael Prideaux
Arrived back in Lorne yesterday to find this yellow-tailed black cockatoo preening itself in light rain

Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo Photographed by Photographing BIRDS

Photographed by Canberra Birds and Wildlife
Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo, feeding — at Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve.

Photographed by Marg Gibson Photography
Location: My Backyard
Today I watched from my back deck a large flock of yellow-tailed black cockatoos sitting across the valley in a large gum tree and as I longingly waited for the opportunity to photograph them at a closer distance, I ended up following them into the bush through the tall shrubs, over rocks and slightly fearful of snakes. Exhilarated by the chase, I admired these absolutely beautiful birds. Here is a small sample of what I captured in bush.

Female Yellow-tailed Black-cockatoos - Tarkine Region Tasi photographed by John Lenagan

Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo ... a pretty girl looking back ... Couria Creek Cottages, Tilba Tilba NSW Australia photographed by Lindy Quin

This yellow-tailed black-cockatoos are amazing creatures. This one was enjoying a light snack of one of their favorite foods... seeds from native trees. Photographed by Tasmania

At Moorak, South Australia. Photographed by Away With The Birdies

This fellow was in my back garden enjoying banksia seed. Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo. I won 10 shrubs from a local nursery with this photo in the local paper. — in Maleny, Queensland. Photographed by Steve Swayne

Yellow-tailed black cockatoos. It is the only black cockatoo species found in Tasmania (there are 6 species of black coockies in Oz). Photographed by OzEarth

Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo — at Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve. Photographed bya Canberra Birds and Wildlife

Male and female Yellow-tailed Black-cockatoos - notice the male has a red ring around its eye - Tarkine Region Tasi. Photographed by John Lenagan

Photographed by Beach, Bush, Birds Warana
They're back in Warana for a feed of Banskia and Cassurina seeds and watching them fly seemingly effortlessly overhead is a marvelous sight.We're just so lucky. Reminder: Our next hands-on get-together will be on Friday 21st October. This will be our second last one for the year so I hope you can pop on down to Beach Access 238 at 8.30am with your hat and closed-in shoes and enjoy a friendly couple of hours helping the natural environment. Freebie morning tea afterward.
A Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoo at Palm Beach

A Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoo feeding on banksia cones

Photographed by Michael Prideaux
Arrived back in Lorne yesterday to find this yellow-tailed black cockatoo preening itself in light rain

Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo Photographed by Photographing BIRDS

Photographed by Canberra Birds and Wildlife
Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo, feeding — at Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve.

Photographed by Marg Gibson Photography
Location: My Backyard
Today I watched from my back deck a large flock of yellow-tailed black cockatoos sitting across the valley in a large gum tree and as I longingly waited for the opportunity to photograph them at a closer distance, I ended up following them into the bush through the tall shrubs, over rocks and slightly fearful of snakes. Exhilarated by the chase, I admired these absolutely beautiful birds. Here is a small sample of what I captured in bush.

Female Yellow-tailed Black-cockatoos - Tarkine Region Tasi photographed by John Lenagan

Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo ... a pretty girl looking back ... Couria Creek Cottages, Tilba Tilba NSW Australia photographed by Lindy Quin

This yellow-tailed black-cockatoos are amazing creatures. This one was enjoying a light snack of one of their favorite foods... seeds from native trees. Photographed by Tasmania

At Moorak, South Australia. Photographed by Away With The Birdies

This fellow was in my back garden enjoying banksia seed. Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo. I won 10 shrubs from a local nursery with this photo in the local paper. — in Maleny, Queensland. Photographed by Steve Swayne

Yellow-tailed black cockatoos. It is the only black cockatoo species found in Tasmania (there are 6 species of black coockies in Oz). Photographed by OzEarth

Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo — at Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve. Photographed bya Canberra Birds and Wildlife

Male and female Yellow-tailed Black-cockatoos - notice the male has a red ring around its eye - Tarkine Region Tasi. Photographed by John Lenagan
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