Haworthia Fasciata Close up
Haworthia Fasciata
Variegated Haworthia Fasciata and Attenuata

Haworthia Fasciata aka Zebra cactus/Pearl plant

Rare Haworthia fasciata (White Zebra)
Haworthia fasciata 'Albino'
Variegated Haworthia Fasciata and Attenuata

Haworthia Fasciata aka Zebra cactus/Pearl plant

Rare Haworthia fasciata (White Zebra)

The Haworthia fasciata can survive on minimal affection, so here’s your chance, all of you plant killers. A bit of water on totally dry soil every week or so does the trick. The Zebra plant likes bright indirect sunlight, but not direct sunlight.


Haworthia fasciata 'Albino'

Haworthia fasciata variegated white

haworthia fasciata
“White Zebra”

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